Gardening in January
Gardening in January Sunrise 8:11am; Sunset 4:32pm. Temperature 5° high / 1° low (mid-month) WinterFrosty mornings under a blue cloudless
Gardening in January Sunrise 8:11am; Sunset 4:32pm. Temperature 5° high / 1° low (mid-month) WinterFrosty mornings under a blue cloudless
Gardening in February Sunrise 7:27am; Sunset 5:26pm. Temperature 5° high / 1° low (mid-month) WinterThe last month of Winter and
Gardening in March Sunrise 6:25am; Sunset 6:18pm. Temperature 8° high / 3° low (mid-month) Winter/SpringSpring is deemed to start at
Gardening in April Sunrise 6:16am; Sunset 8:10pm. Temperature 11° high / 4° low (mid-month) SpringMarch is a very busy month
Gardening in May Sunrise 5:20am; Sunset 8:58pm. Temperature 14° high / 7° low (mid-month) SpringGround frosts are still around so
Gardening in June Sunrise 4:55am; Sunset 9:31pm. Temperature 17° high / 10° low (mid-month) Spring/SummerLast days of Spring before the
Gardening in July Sunrise 5:13am; Sunset 9:23pm. Temperature 19° high / 12° low (mid-month) SummerOn really hot days an early
Gardening in August Sunrise 5:58am; Sunset 8:34pm. Temperature 19° high / 11° low (mid-month) SummerMore of the same as last
Gardening in September Sunrise 6:48am; Sunset 7:26pm. Temperature 15° high / 9° low (mid-month) Summer/AutumnWe welcome the Autumnal Equinox, usually
Gardening in October Sunrise 7:37am; Sunset 5:18pm*. Temperature 12° high / 7° low (mid-month) AutumnFor me, October is the start