Vlogmas 17: Homestead Harvest and Soup Making

Time to start harvesting the leeks which I planted in July. Back home there is a parcel to open and it is time to make the first soup of an approaching Winter plus the advent calendar is finally being dealt with. Watch 24/7 at https://seanjamescameron.com/homestead-live-feed/

Welsh Cawl

Welsh Lamb, 1kg (shoulder, middle or neck) – get the butcher to bone it. Onion, 1 Potatoes, 6 Carrots, 3 Swede 1 Parsnips 2 Leeks 2 Vegetable stock Salt and Pepper to taste

Making Traditional Welsh Cawl

It’s raining this weekend so I’m huddled into my little welsh miners cottage in the valleys of South Wales making traditional welsh Cawl. While it cooks let’s sit on the sofa and have a general chit-chat while the cats play in front of the fire; including topics such as living without a television.